Leslie learned to crochet at age 7, made some fairly standard edgings, & went on to other things, including art in many media, which has been shown and sold in stores & galleries in New York, California, & Washington. During the 60s & 70s she returned to crochet, but this time it was strictly freeform, as it has been since. She has used it by itself & combined with weaving or knitting for sculptural as well as wearable art, & has recently been writing patterns for a few of her designs. She lives with her husband, Seth Watkins, an award-winning photographer, & youngest son, Raistlin, whose main interests are drama & fantasy.

“This Granny’s Not Square”

I wanted to do something circular that wouldn’t turn into a granny square, liked the idea of petals, and had to use a bullion stitch just to show that I can do something different.

“Not a Tree in the Sunset”

I thought I could make it a tree in the sunset, but it disagreed. I used 22 yarns, many not my usual colors, & had a good time with them

Leslie Sirag

Olympia, WA USA

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