I live in NC with my husband, twin teen-agers ( a son and daughter) and two Great Danes. I work full-time with my husband in our financial advisory business. Crocheting is currently a hobby that I picked up again after many years. Right now, I am focused on learning new techniques (like free-form and bead crochet), refining old ones and generally perfecting my craft. In many early, indigenous cultures, there was no word for the concept of “art.” Art was a part of everyday life, not something to be hung up on a wall. Everyday objects were therefore beautiful for beauty’s sake. It is this spirit that I hope to capture in my own work.

“Chanson de Mardi Gras”

I entered the Challenge as a way of learning to free form. This is the second free form piece that I have completed. It is entitled “Chanson de Mardi Gras” after a song of the same name by the Cajun band File.

Lauri Michel

Hillsborough, NC USA

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