Claude Debussy: Clair de Lune (Moonlight)


As a child I always enchanted by the melody of Debussy Clair de Lune.  Now I can say I find it almost ethereal; I can close my eyes while listening to this piece and let my mind wander.

Clair de Lune became something more to me when it was used in the soundtrack of the movie The Right Stuff.  I was lucky enough through my father’s connections to have met many of the aviators and astronauts  portrayed in the film; to hear their stories of their flights and when I now hear Clair de Lune I can almost see what they saw.

The beret is all crochet motifs using metallic, silk, mohair  and cotton yarns.  Glass beads and sequins represent the stars and far away planets and the Milky Way. Circular motifs represent the moon as well as the silver metallic crescent shapes which light up the sky and space with silvery moonlight.

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Leslie Nelle-Urinyi

West Milford, New Jersey, USA

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